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Thursday 9 March 2017

Eaglemoss Electric Train collection, Issues #2 & #3

The first package of my Electric Train collection subscription has arrived. Just two weeks after I ordered it. It contains quite a lot of stuff. Here's what I got:

Two issues of the magazine are included. They're pretty similar to issue #1. Each is 16 pages long and follows the same pattern when it comes to content:
  • layout building instructions
  • a selected locomotive description with a poster
  • a train themed article

Issue #2 helps the newbies build a layout base. It's a very basic stuff but it's nicely described.

Issue #3 explains making buildings from plastic parts. Again - useful only for those who never created any model...

The set includes a free magazine holder. How cool is that? Well, not really that cool...

What else? Here comes the interesting part...

Four large pieces of colorful paper are included and these are the "base" for the world. I knew such pieces were coming but I somehow assumed they would only help in positioning the actual terrain, which in turn would be built from scratch. But now it's clear - we're supposed to glue the paper onto the wood. And the paper layer is the actual surface of the layout.

This is a major disappointment. It means the landscape will be very limited. There will be no track ballasting and no roads painting. And most of the look will be based on a paper printout, which is not really a lasting material.

And now the core of the package: a plastic house, a turnout and a lantern.

Let's start with the track piece. It's of a similar quality as the element in issue #1. Meaning: it's not really good but with a little luck it might be good enough. The mechanism in the switch works pretty well, but I really do not like the kind of metal the rails are made of. It reminds me of my childhood layout, which required occasional usage of sandpaper to make the trains run at all...

The lamp is difficult to describe. It looks OKisch. It definitely works and seems to be a 16V light-bulb based model.

Let's take a look at the house. The back of the container reveals a surprise. The company that manufactured the model has a name. And its address is in China.

That's weird. Why are all the parts in one color? Well, it's because it's not a full model. It's only the first batch of elements for this building. The rest is coming later...

I have to say I feel disappointed. It seems I got so much but I can actually do very little. I could start building the base but I'd rather go with a smaller step first. Making a house model would be cool, but I don't have all the needed parts...

Was it worth the money? I'm not convinced. I've paid around $10 for this content and it's really not much at all. But I only got a fraction of what I needed to achieve any sort of a milestone. The building is the best example here: only a chunk of parts is included and I have no idea when the rest is coming. Moreover - I do know that a half of a different building will be included in the next issue. This means I will soon own two buildings, but none of those will be complete...

I guess that's the goal of the series: don't deliver complete elements too early and keep the subscriber attached. I can't say I like it. I'd rather have small successes early which would keep me going forward... Maybe I should rethink the subscription?

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