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Wednesday 22 June 2016

LGB 10310, G-Scale lighted track bumper

Both PIKO and LGB offer a selection of track bumpers in case you want to build a sidetrack. There are a few models to choose from but I could find only one that offered an extra feature - a lighted sign. And since I care a lot about how my layout looks like at dusk, I've decided to purchase exactly this one.

The element is LGB 10310 and it is priced at around 15 Eur. The ArsTecnica store had a slightly better offer and that's where I made my purchase. The model comes in a rather small cardboard box.

The package consists of two items. We get the bumper itself and a plastic bag containing the lighted sign set. No track is included.

The lighted sign comes unassembled. Three plastic parts have to be put together and inserted on top of the light source. Interestingly a regular light bulb is used here. I really expected an LED but I guess the design of the model is already some years old and hence the "20th century solution".

Here's what the assembled model looks like. I have to say it really makes a good overall impression. The plastic material LGB used seems very rigid. I'd be surprised if it didn't last outdoors.

The bumper needs to be inserted on top of a track piece. It fits perfectly on straight LGB brass rails.

Four latches keep it firmly in place.

Here is the final outcome with the light off...

...and with the light on. I'm using 16V DC source even though the manual suggests AC voltage.

I've installed the bumper on an LGB track just for the photos. And my layout uses mostly PIKO track. This forced me to remove it from the LGB piece...

Taking the bumper off was not that easy. And once I succeeded, I've decided not to have to do it ever again. Hence the solution with a very short straight piece. This way the bumper can be attached at any place in the layout without any effort.

Two more photos taken outdoors. During the day...

...and at dusk.

Opinion? Looks really nice and very, very solid. I'm happy with my purchase.

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