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Sunday 9 April 2017

Preiser, Pola G and Scenecraft figures durability

It's still cold outside pretty often which makes it difficult for me to clean up my garden layout after the winter. I was however able to take a look around and one thing became clear - some of the "citizens" of my miniature world did not handle the harsh outside conditions all that well. Let's take a look at them.

I'll be focusing on the following six models. They were manufactured by Preiser, Pola G and Scenecraft. It's easy to see some of them look better than the others...

These are my two oldest figures. They've become exposed to the weather factors around 12 months ago. The figure on the left (Preiser) looks pretty good, the one on the right (Scenecraft) has definitely a very pale face.

Preiser 45123 vs Scenecraft 22-166
Another couple. Both reside on my station platform and both should be affected equally. However, it's clear the Scenecraft model (on the left) lost all of its skin color. The Pola G item looks almost as new.

Scenecraft 22-178 vs Pola G 331825
These two were installed around 7 months ago. And again - the Scenecraft figure did not take it well. The model of a traveler became a model of a zombie. The Preiser station worker looks perfect.

Scenecraft 22-188 vs Preiser 44920
Last comparison and this time it's Scenecraft against Scenecraft. The police officer on the left spent most of his time on the layout facing the sun. The one on the right was looking to the north. The difference in color of both models is clearly visible.

Scenecraft 22-145
The policeman on the right is missing his arm, too. He lost it when I dropped him accidentally today. Well, accidents happen. What's important here is that the arm is not the only thing that broke. Looking at his hat or his vest, we can notice small pieces of the paint missing. Seems that gluing the part back will not really recover the model. It is destined to lose all of its color sooner than later...

The conclusion? The Scenecraft figures are not really weather resistant. They look really bad just after a few months outside. To be fair, I have to point out they're much cheaper than Preiser or Pola G. But for an outdoor layout, they're clearly a poor investment, as they will require replacement/repainting after a very short period...

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